Generator Replacement, Generator Repair & Generator InstallationPetersburg, MI, Dundee, MI, Ida, MI, Britton, MI, Ottawa Lake, MI & Lambertville, MI

When it comes to number of power outages, Michigan ranks fourth highest in the nation. Weather, downed trees, aging power equipment, and utility company human error results in widespread and sometimes lengthy outages. Thompson Plumbing, Heating & A/C Inc. makes sure you’re prepared and protected. There’s no reason to go without essential systems such as heating, cooling, refrigeration, lights, sump pumps, and water heating. Avoid damage, safety risks, health hazards, and inconvenience with the installation of a standby generator.

Professional Generator Services

The installation of a standby generator allows you to continue everyday life. Whether you’d like to power targeted appliances or your entire home or commercial facility, Thompson Plumbing, Heating & A/C Inc. provides the right solution. We draw from leading manufacturers, proven quality equipment, and extensive knowledge and training to perfectly match your requirements. Our technicians complete safe and proper installation, ensuring automatic startup and continued operation. You don’t even need to be on the premises. The generator senses an interruption in power and takes over for as long as necessary.

Call today for generator installations, repairs & maintenance!

Thompson Plumbing, Heating & A/C Inc. provides new installation, replacement, regular maintenance, and repair of backup generators. We keep your equipment working reliably and extend service life through proactive measures. Contact us at (734) 279-1244 to evaluate and service an existing generator or learn more about a wide range of modern, wonderfully quiet, and efficient options. Family owned and operated, Thompson Plumbing, Heating & A/C Inc. takes good care of our friends and neighbors in Petersburg, MI and surrounding areas and the surrounding areas.

At Thompson Plumbing, Heating & A/C Inc. We Offer a Variety of Services:
Heating Repair
Heating Installation
Heating Service
New Construction
Ductless HVAC
Heat Pumps
VRF Systems
High Velocity HVAC

Generator Service in Petersburg, MI | Generator Repair Dundee, MI

Serving Petersburg, MI and surrounding areas

Featured Service Areas:

Petersburg, Dundee, Ida, Britton, Ottawa Lake, Lambertville, Maybee, Milan, Temperance, Tecumseh, Monroe, and Erie, MI

GeneratorsGenerator Service ∴ Maybee, MI ∴ Ida, MI ∴ Lambertville, MI